Thursday, May 21, 2015

Our First Year of Homeschooling

Did I just type that? We did one year of homeschooling, and survived? I'd like to say that we spent most of our time learning State Capitols, homophones, reading classic literature, double digit addition and the frog life cycle. Yes, some of those we really did, some we did not. What we really learned was more valuable than learning mandatory standards. We spend a total of 9 months learning how each other reacts, our likes, dislikes, how we learn, what annoys us and who NOT to be.

Since I am now considering myself a Veteran Homeschool Mom (sticking out my chest), here are some tips for the Newbie Homeschool Mom:

  • Do NOT buy any curriculum
I spent a fortune on a specific type of curriculum, because it worked for me as a Teacher. Well guess what-I didn't have the same students! Buy used curriculum from ebay or another homeschool family. It will save you close to $200.

  • Use the Library
The library was wonderful! Did you know that other homeschool families go there, too? I have met some wonderful friends and families by ditching the textbooks and gaining invaluable wisdom from other homeschoolers. We read together, made friends, learned how to search for books and joined a wonderful homeschool support group.

  • They don't need to know that, right now.
Do not try to keep up with the Department of Education standards for their grade. They are being taught so much in school, that they don't remember half of it. Focus on topics that interest your child. For instance, my 8 year old is really into fishing right now. We went to the library and she checked out books on fly fishing and different books on fish anatomy. At home, we can do paintings of fish, write stories about fish and even develop a spelling list for vocabulary words in the book. The possibilities are endless!

The most important thing to do in your first year of homeschooling is to have fun and learn how your child learns. What worked for you in school is usually what will work for them. What frustrated you in school, will more than likely, frustrate them. Embrace learning together!

If you are a Veteran Homeschool Mom, what was your first year like?
If you are a Newbie Homeschool Mom, what are your concerns?